
Cómo grabar llamadas hechas con skype

En estos días no he publicado porque más bien me dediqué a registrar en CiteUlike y Bloglines los artículos y blogs interesantes (pueden verlos cuando quieran). En un interesante sitio FLOSSE -Free/Libre and Open Source Software in Education- encontré una serie de entrevistas grabadas por skype y estuve buscando el modo de poder hacerlas. Acabo de encontrar esta explicación, aunque no la entiendo bien... Alguien puede ayudar a descifrar el tema? Evidentemente es un recurso muy interesante!

Copio el post con la explicación:

How to record a Skype call
February 14th, 2005
The just released 0.9.1 version of MixCast Live has the ability to record Skype calls without the feedback and noise usually experienced.

A new feature in MCL called Patch Cords allows you to capture the audio from one device and play it back on another device. This is how MCL is able to record Skpe calls without feedback, and therefore in order to do this you need at least two audio devices in your computer. The good news is that USB microphones and headsets act as a seperate device, so with your standard soundcard and a USB microphone recording a Skype call is easy. Here are the steps:

Skype Configuration

File -> Options -> Hand/Headsets
Input: “USB Microphone”
Output: “Soundcard”
Uncheck “Enable automating sound-device settings adjustment”
Windows Mixer Configuration

Start Menu -> Run -> sndvol32
Options -> Properties
Mixer Device: “USB microphone”
Adjust volume for: Recording
Check microphone
Press OK.
Leave this window open to adjust the volume level of the USB microphone
MixCast Live Configuration

Recorder -> Properties -> Soundcard
Audio Device: “Soundcard”
Pin Line: Stereo Mix (or equivalent)
Press OK to accept the settings and close the properties dialog
Tools -> Patch Panel
Enter a name: “USB microphone”
Latency: 10ms (you may need to increase this for slower computers)
Select the Input tab
Capture Device: “USB microphone”
Select the Output tab
Playback Device: “Soundcard”
Press OK to create the new patch cord
Press OK to close the patch panel and start the new patch cord
Plug your headphones into the soundcard headphones out jack
You should hear yourself in the headphones.
Record a Skype call

Call “Echo123” on skype
Press record in MCL
You should hear the Skype operator in your headphones
Record your message when asked to by the operator
When the message is played back, you should be able to hear it
Press stop in MCL
Play the recording back in your media player
You should hear both yourself and the skype operator, and the recording of yourself
Patch cords are a powerful and flexible new feature in MixCast Live. So flexible that you can wreak havoc on your configuration if they are used improperly. You should only use them if you have a specific need, like skype recording or using a USB device in MCL. Good luck and, as usual, if you have any issues post in the forums or contact me directly

1 comentario

estela -

Encontré este interesante blog de skype donde explican algunas formas aún precarias de hacerlo.